Saturday, August 13, 2011

Does Beauty=Happiness?? Not at All...

Why is it people automatically associate beauty with happiness? So much of the time people look at me and they tell me how pretty I am and somehow in their mind they believe that I'm happy, that everything in my life must be just right because if that weren't true, if I had ever suffered in my life surely the pretty would have disappeared from my face, the beauty would have left my very soul and my mouth would be immobilized to anything remotely resembling a smile. The truth is that I suffer, I feel pain, I hurt, I am even tormented on the inside at times. I have learned to cover my tear stained face with a variety of cosmetics and to hide the sadness, the anger, the fear with a smile; if only you knew to look past the make up, past the fake smiles, to really look into my eyes, you would see the truth, you would come to realize that the happy twinkle in my pretty eyes is actually tears I'm trying my best to hold back. People look at me and they say "what a pretty girl" and they fail to see past the surface. They can't see what the mirror reveals to me. If anything pretty makes things worse, it blinds people from seeing the real person inside. For a long time I thought that was my only good quality so i used my appearance to get attention, to be liked. I looked happy, confident, content, like i had everything together when in reality I was falling apart and beginning to hate myself more and more on the inside. It took me awhile to realize people liked me for the wrong reasons. Beauty is like a decorative case, it doesn't matter how pretty it may seem on the outside, the true value is based on what you find inside. So many people just don't take the time to look deeper than just skin deep and fill themselves with their own assumptions. Just because you think I'm pretty doesn't mean I'm not in pain. Pretty can make me feel so alone.

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